Friday, January 14, 2011

Nail Polish Strips

Okay. Do you love it or do you hate it?

Never mind. Don't tell me.- Unless- you love it.
By the looks of my parched and cracked hands, I should have invested in a tube of Vaseline and some moisturizing gloves instead of nail strips. Cameras can be rude.
They are by Sally Hansen and come in an array of colors but don't come cheap at $9.99 a box.
I justified that it's cheaper than a manicure and splurged. Plus! It's supposed to last 10 days which is way longer than any manicure I've ever had.
Once I put them on, I became an instant addict. Addicted, I tell you.
But then whistles started to blow in my head. '$10 dollars every 10 days is 30 bucks a month and 30 bucks a month is $360 a year and $360 a year....'
 After the intervention was over, I googled and discovered that at my local Walgreen's, I can get Incoco, Dry Nail Applique for $5.99. And. Incoco has French Manicure in their repertoire.
If they's whistles goin' off, it must be dag blame dog whistles, cuz I cain't hear nutin.

The downside is...

  I may have to fore go most prints for awhile- except for my pj's, that is!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Just Say No to Drugs

So while I was on my Tupperware tangent, my attention was drawn to another disaster zone in my kitchen.
                                                     And just to put it all in perspective....
We should call this NOT Rite Aid.

The hilarious part of it all is we very rarely take medication save the occasional Tylenol or antihistamine. Maybe sickness has seen our arsenal and is afraid to come here. (( :

We grouped and organized and may or may not have grabbed one of our previously discarded containers from the recycling bin.

   My lovely assistant shows off our progress.

We threw out a ton, I promise!

Thermometers, skin meds, allergy meds and cold items all have homes again.




Waging Tupper-War

See where this is going?
I've had visions dancing in my head for several weeks now of throwing out ALL the plastic storage containers and opting for all glass Pryex. I found a knock off brand at Big Lots. It was $20 for a 20 piece set and you can also buy them individually.
 So I commenced to tossing. It went really well until I ran across this little number.

Now who could part with that, never mind that it is completely useless.
And then this popped up...
That top pops out and is convenient for storing salad dressing even though the entire thing is shaped more like a hamburger and is not at all conducive to salad. But it is after all authentic Tupperware so I'll just keep this one too.

Resolve disengaged.

Ten minutes later my keep pile was way bigger than I imagined.

And it begged me to stay using lines like we're not stained and we have all our tops and what if one day you need us?
This stuff really is evil.
Two weeks from now and only 5 of these guys will still have their lids.
So I put the glass storage on the top shelf. I don't know if they will be any more well-behaved but I'll let you know.
And here's the proof that my hoarding tendencies are only borderline!